We Posted these pix about 4 years ago. Check them out  and then check out what we just received for updates from Ian Harrison in Scotland!

 Let's go to Scotland!

Ian Harrison has quite a little collection of some really neat Japanese spec YSR's. #1 is an 80cc YSR and #34 is a 50cc. Nice Replicas of the Rainey and Schwantz bikes!

2004 Update!

Schwantz Replica

Rainey Replica

Mini Moto Promotional Bike

The Stable....Now we know what the Scots do when it's raining all the time!


YSR50 with 421cc motor does about 140mph (possible 170mph)
owner Ron McQuade in Kalispell Montana.
The perfect YSR for cruising the
Montana "no speed limit" Autobahn!


YCR80 Engine

This is a work in progress!
A very nice job on installing a CR80 in Ysr Chassis
Caleb Churchill in So Cal will be sending more
on this project...so stay tuned!


Chris at Ice Level Sports-nice job!


Dale in Kansas way nice GSXR Junior!


Yes! RD400 in a YSR



 James in Dyer Indiana does way nice work!



Matt Falor in Kansas and his CBR replica!


Kirk Hayes of Nebraska and another Honda Replica.

Nice job guys.


Thomas Teater in Oregon and his Marlboro Replica


J. D. Sweitzer in Nevada, nice and clean!


San Antonia Ninja Replica by Chris Garcia

Chris's main Race Bike

Chris's other race bike. Killer job.


Very nice dual headlight job

Way nice bike!


Street Bikes 1!

Street Bikes 2!

Street Bikes 3!

Street Bikes 4!

Street Bikes 5!

Street Bikes 6!

Street Bikes 7!

Street Bikes 8!

Street Bikes 9!

Street Bikes 10!

Street Bikes 11!

Street Bikes 12!

Street Bikes 13!